Thursday, December 29, 2005

Autism Blogs...

In my dissapointing search to discover interesting and well written blogs since reading my first blog (or as I have come to refer them as, blah, blah blahgs) nearly a month ago, I have discovered that proportionally the best, most poignant, humorous, well-written, charming blogs were written by parents of children diagnosed with autism...I realize this is merely a babyblogger squaregirls opinion, but I have developed some theories as to why I feel parents of children diagnosed with ASD are proportionally the best bloggers...

1. Bias. Having worked with children on the spectrum for the last 12 years (and loving it!) and having received a diagnosis at the age of three (more on that later), I am always disarmed and charmed by stories of our wonderful children with a maybe it's just me...

2. It's Genetics

3. It's the Mercury

When I started blogging (the day after reading my first blog) I was determined to avoid the contreversial-in-every-area subject of autism yet...

1. I have been so charmed and inspired by the autism bloggers out there including (and I apologize for my ignorance on how to link) Mom-NOS (charming), Octoberbabies (lovely and touching) and Injectingsense (sensible and well written)

2. I have worked with children on the spectrum for the last 12 years (and loving it!) and having received a diagnosis at the age of three (more on that later), I am always charmed by stories of our wonderful children with a diagnosis. (Echolalia, perseveration whatever, it just fits in here and after my previous statement)

So needless to say, I think I just might throw my proverbial hat in the ring and share some very charming stories about my amazing, superstar kids...afterall...

1. I have some amazingly charming stories to share ( although I feel that I will not do them justice)


2.No one really reads this blog anyway


Blogger Octobermom said...

WRONG!!! I read your blog :-)

And am looking forward to your stories.


10:08 AM  
Blogger QueenBitch said...

I read your blog!! :)

My nephew has Asperger's Syndrome, so I'm an autism-ed junkie too. I look forward to hearing about your experiences with autistic children and will check out the sites you mentioned. I will also send one of my dear readers your way, as I've just found out that her grandson is severely autistic.

Have a great day!

12:14 PM  
Blogger Alana said...

Sal, Wow! I am honored. I Looooove your blog. You have already made me cry on more than one occasion...

queenbitch, It is amazing how many of us have been touched by this complex diagnosis. Have a great day as well!

12:15 PM  
Blogger me said...

I read it too! My son's former special-ed K teacher (whom I simply adore) has become my very best friend. I have so much respect and admiration for people (like her - like you) who devote their lives to helping children like mine! Blog on SquareGirl!

9:09 PM  

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